Cooking shows
“You are as good as the last dish you cooked”.
For those who watch cooking shows, particularly competitions, you can recognize the phrase above.
No matter how well you cooked on previous rounds, if your last dish is not good enough, you might be chopped!
While talking with a friend, she mentioned the interest in changing jobs and had lots of ideas.
I asked her what she would do to avoid the perception that she is “as good as the last dish she cooked”, or, as good as the last role she had.
I experienced that and I bet many have had the same.
The thing is, as in a cooking show, you may ended up with a mediocre cook who was lucky to get the best dish, at the right time but when the show is over, you don’t eat that food anymore.
But hiring…
I keep thinking how CVs are read by AI and searching for key words instead of life experience.
How can you avoid to become, only, your “last dish” or, if hiring, you don’t end up with the mediocre cook?
My suggestion: look beyond. You might be really surprised with your findings.